Cats on chairs...

You know how Desire to Inspire has pets on furniture Mondays?  I've had my pets on their site before, both my poor late doggy, and my rescue cats, but I wanted to post more animal photo's here....

so here you go.

RIP Tommy. No chair photos, but I couldn't let him be unrecognized for the great cat that he was.

RIP Chuy. The very best little doggy I could have ever had. He's on the Mr. Chair, by Plycraft. He was a very special doggy. I miss him every day. 

Now, we have DK  (short for Darth Kitty) on a Danish Modern rocking chair.... 

and this is Spinx (on the floor, but it's a fantastic shot of him) 

but these two will cuddle up and sleep together. Yes, on the Mr. Chair. It seems very pet friendly. 


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