The Mr. brought me home a project yesterday- an american of martinsville table.

Yep. An american of martinsville drop leaf walnut table. (no leaves) It was CHEAP.  He actually sent me a picture of it while he was out, and said he didn't buy it because of the top... I took one look at it and made him turn around and go back..... The legs are in great shape, and it's sturdy and not wobbly. It will need to be sanded and stained.  It won't even be that hard a fix.... I did it already to the coffee table we bought.   But, what will I do with two dining room tables?

 Before pictures.....
Pretty rough, but no deep scratches, and no burn marks.....

This is one drop leaf side, the other looks pretty much the same as this one... 

closer to the color it is (walnut) than in the first picture..... 

At least it's not a chair! 


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