Beating the odds, one day at a time....

Today is the start of year 12 of my marriage. It's been a good run all in all so far. We're looking forward to many more years (hopefully as good or better than the last 11)! 

We ate out, went to the beach, and some small town festivals. We ate fish and baked goods created by elderly church ladies.  We had a FANTASTIC pizza one night......and we even gambled at a casino- and won!  All in all a success all the way around.  

So first, here is some of what we looked at... 

our view from lunch..... 

pretty cool huh? We're so lucky that we live by some of the nicest beaches in the state..... 

We also went to see Murals made by WPA workers 

and then we saw a big yellow dino wandering around.... 


it wasn't all fun and games. We did do a bit of pickin along the way..... 

I got a wonderful Turkish rug

a very scary evil oil painting, 

a concert poster from Widespread Panic 

a cool vintage typewriter

a VERY busted up Selig chair from Denmark (for free) that will be my newest project chair

and a rustic wood folding table with some rug beaters and other assorted metal things.... 

(ignore the saw and stuff, we're building a new porch) 

All in all, a very fun, successful weekend !! 

oh- I forgot- two vintage Steelcase end tables too.... 

sorry that's a crappy picture! 


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