New year, new living room

Christmas is now officially over at my house. The trees are down and out in the backyard near the bird feeders (we put them out there every year- they provide cover and shelter for the tiny birds out there. In the spring we move them to the woodpile). All the nutcrackers are packed away, and so are all the little go gaws and knickknacks.  After much deliberations, and two broken backs trying to move this furniture over and over again, we came up with this......

As you walk into the room this is what you see....the short wall has the two chair, and two small dressers that act as tables and storage in here (with an 8 yr old you can never have too much storage). The drawers hold drawing supplies, DVDs and video games.....

This is how it looks as you face that wall.... yes, the devil picture IS too small for that space. I need to find something new....nothing at all makes that space look too spare. 


This is the living room as you look into it from the door. Sorry about the crooked lampshade and bright red Lego thing under the TV (which we are replacing in the next week or so- YEA!!!! 42 inch maybe??)  The large round table is gone and replaced with the Danish Modern long table I bought 6 years ago for 25 bucks. I loved it but with a toddler it wasn't practical. I kept it in the basement storage room until I could pull it out and use it again. I love it. 

This is how it really looks though. The boy playing Lego's and all......

There is a gap between the bookcases because that is where the ONLY heat register is. Function is number one with me... and without that vent we would freeze our patooties off. 

It works for us for now....but in the spring we have to move everything around again. I can't wait....(sarcasm off) 


  1. I like, especially the new TV wall and the new-old coffee table!

  2. thanks...I couldn't have done it without you!


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