Dining room tables and chairs.....

I have a love hate relationship with my dining room. It's the old living room of my house so it's HUGE (compared to the other rooms) but it's also the entry of the entire house....so a lot of stuff has to be in there. Add to that that my asthetic has changed greatly since moving in.....it's sort of a hodge podge in there now. I have to figure out a way to love it without buying new stuff .

I started at Casa sugar where I saw these pictures...

modern chairs with traditional tables. Well, I have that. But mine have never looked so pulled together and cohesive.

First thing, I think I need a rug. No, I know I need a rug. But I have to figure out what else I need to do to this room to pull it together. And, it has to be cheap.

More soon....


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