Drip, Drip, Drip.....

I was sick. So sick that I slept for 42 out of 48 straight hours. Now, I just have a leaky nose .  On top of that I had to go see the eye doctor today because I'm nearly blind and he dilated my eyes. 4 hours later and I can sort of see again.
Even though I was going through all that- I still managed to get something done today!

The Mr. brought these home for me last night-

What are they? Two matching bookcases that originally came from the University of Michigan. Made in Holland Michigan. Rough, as you can tell. But they were cheap- 15 bucks each. We can ALWAYS use bookshelves. They are rough, but sturdy little buggers. Plus, the Mr. knows that I have skills.

Today they look like this....

How? Well, I washed them. That helped a lot. And then I used Howard Restor-A- Finish in neutral. Works like a champ. I tested a sample spot last night before going to bed....and when I saw the results this morning I finished them before my appointment.

I can't wait for the Mr. to see them tonight!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!


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