Here at La Casa Verde...

We had an ice day school. Lots of googling things, Lego and watching old movies.... and that started me thinking.
I have a spare room that has been nothing but a crap collector since we moved's never really been an office or a studio. It's 8ft x 10 ft and too small to be a guest room. I don't need an office anymore since I no longer work. I stopped doing my dolls and even if I start up...I have a studio in the basement. SO- what to do with this space? In a house this small an unused room is just wasteful. Then it came to me....

A tv room. For the boy. I can set up the machines in here...with a sturdier non flat screen tv.  He can read, draw, watch a dvd when he doesn't want to be with us. Then, at night it can be used as a place to read so I don't disturb my Mr. when he wants to sleep.
I'm feeling good. I have a function for this room now. Now, paint.

I'm leaning towards the blue on the bottom right. It's grey-er- in person. I like the browns, but they seem rather dark. The bottom left is lavender. No. Just no.

The room has one wall of built in bookshelves that are staying of course. I am hoping to cull the herd a bit though. The artwork propped up is my brothers....I think it will end up staying in here even though it is ginormous.

So, here is a full before picture of the crap....

The craft closet...

the tv cart...

and the  light fixture I love that is going to stay....

There are my befores.... I am going to try to empty the room this weekend and prime a wall or two....then I can start painting. I need seating, lighting, and a clear organizational plan before this is even close to completion. But first, let me start on the paint job.


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