weekend links....

what I'm reading.....

My boy is not the only person in this family who loves to read. I'm planning on getting this new book on Cleopatra "Cleopatra: a life" by Stacy Schiff

I'm looking for a new vampire series to keep me reading until Sookie comes back - I need vampire romance novels people... ideas?  And don't say twilight.... I like vampires who drink blood, can't see the sun and have sex.... and don't "twinkle" or "sparkle" or whatever it is those teenagers do...

Much has already been blogged and written about this article about bathing and the lack of it..  my 2 cents? I have dyed hair- red- and I've been doing it for almost 30 years. I can't wash it daily- the color runs out and it gets dry and brittle. I wash my hair 2 times a week- three if I do something sweaty or it's hot outside. Is that TMI? probably...

Cousin Eddie "the shitters full" is full on bat shit nuts.....

I do have to get Anthropologies holiday catalog this week... it looks interesting...

there's more, but I'm going to play lego with my boy

have a good weekend... stay warm and enjoy that extra hour of sleep


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