Let's all have a more responsible home!

At what point did the house become more about the future tenant than the current resident? It's hard to trace the moment, but let's hope it’s passed. Because for too long, home design has been hijacked by the allure of resale value. Maybe now we can begin again to think of our houses not as investments but as homes." — Allison Arieff

New york times

With 1.6 million properties in forclosure in the first part of 2010, I hope that the trend of upgrading just for upgradings sake is over.

I can't tell you how much I hate granite countertops and stainless steel appliances in every single house. Not to burst your housing boom bubble- not every kitchen needs those upgrades. Not everyone likes those upgrades. I happen to love my white appliances and butcherblock countertops-they look fantastic in my kitchen AND work well for me. 

The more people start to listen to themselves- what THEY want and need- and less to HGTV and real estate agents they'll be happier AND have less debt.


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